Hi! I'm Nayn Nyan, an illustrator that likes a green color and Loves from yo'll. Also, myaa... I'm a streamer at Reality as Nayn Nyan. Nice to meet you^^/

Commision Info

Here you can find all of the info about my commision that I opened, you can found the sample and the price on the Price List, then you can found the thing that have you to know about an additional thing on Additional Info, also you can found all about the thing that you all have to know, the rules that have I made before. Please be a nice "gusy"

Price List


60 k per character

Bust Up

70 k per character

Half Body

100 k per character

Full Body

150 k per character

Chibi Style

50k per character

Additional Info

• Add revision : 10k
• Free simple background
• Add a complicated background :25k
• I will refuse to make the background if it’s too complicated for me.
• Payment method: Gopay
• Personal use only.
• If u wanna use it for commercial, we can do a discuss about that.
• More question, you can ask me through available contacts.


• Contact me if you wanna order.
• Please give me a clear reference.
• Free revision when sketch.
• Revision max. 3X after sketch.
• Payment will do after sketch given.
• You can’t cancel or refund after the payment.
• Deadline: 4-7 days, or depending on the level of difficulty.

Yume shipFurry